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Building Cubbies

Cubbies are cozy corners that create a sense of belonging

Kate’s first learning experience she set up for the children was an outdoor cubby.

Cubbies are a way of helping children feel safe and secure.

Cubbies can be indoors or outdoors.  Because children think they cannot be seen in a cubby, they play more freely and express themselves more openly in cubby play.  Cubbies make the big wide world child sized and so easier to understand. They also encourage children to play quietly together or spend some quiet time alone.  Children can often play for hours in their cubbies and have interesting conversations as they play.

At HEY there are lots of cubbies. Some educators have built, some children have built, some that were bought from the shop and some that were made from recycled materials like pallets. There are hospitals, a home corner, an x-ray light box and a reading corner all housed in little cubbies.  

Cubbies can be used to define spaces in a learning environment but mostly they are used to encourage imaginary play and interactions between children. When you pair up a cubby with some natural materials or some toys, educators can encourage the children to explore different concepts.

See Kate's Dinosaur Cubby Learning Experience for an example of how cubbies can help children learn!


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